What is expected from a thief is obviously to steal, we expect a liar to, yes lie, we expect an abuser to abuse and a drug addict, yes to use drugs. What we did not expect from rookie lawyer Brian Keisacker, who studied law and assumably graduated after taking the tests and then of all things swore an OATH as follows:

“I do solemnly swear:

I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Florida.”
(from the Florida Bar website, the agency that licenses lawyers in Florida)

Then we expect truthfulness, honest behavior, moral integrity, upholding character, and adhering to the oath as stipulated above to be adhered to.

What we did not expect is for
Brian Keisacker to violate the principles of the United States Constitution and to be very dishonest, by illegally serving on the Sarasota County General Contractors Licensing and Examining Board.

Maybe we were expecting too much from Brian Keisacker?

We certainly did not anticipate that
Brian Keisacker would violate the laws and the U.S. Constitution. Well, now we must use every avenue available to us legally to get accountability for what Brian Keisacker has done with his cohorts.

We have an obligation to the Constitution and to our fellow man to right the wrongs.


Brian Keisacker is disingenuous.


“Brian Keisacker went to Stenson School,of Law school, passed the difficult law exams, took the oath to uphold the law and the U.S. Constitution and then his actions show the opposite?”

“We've all heard stories about unethical and very bad lawyers. Read news stories, they never have affected me. Then BAM comes lawyer Brian Keisacker of Sarasota and reveals that unethical and immoral lawyers actually do exist.”

“The United States Constitution exists to protect us all from the government becoming like the of other countries. It begins when those are illegally appointed to power like lawyer Brian Keisacker who refuse to follow the rules of law and allow citizens of their unalienable constitutional rights. More sad is that the Sarasota County Commissioners who have the power to remove and actually appointed Brian Keisacker despite my objections in chamber simply don’t care. The system in Sarasota County cannot continue down this portal of dark, unaccountable and path of DELIBERATE INDIFFERENCE. So on we fight for justice and to bring the culprits to justice.

“Brian Keisacker cannot be trusted Brian Keisacker is immoral; and without morals, Brian Keisacker is unethical and is willfully violating citizen's rights. I would not trust Brian Keisacker as a lawyer.”

“A persons actions expresses all you need to know about them and Brian Keisacker's has violated American's rights and is illegally sitting on the Sarasota County General Contractors Licensing and Examining Board says it all, beware, be very aware!”

“Brian Keisacker’s proves Brian Keisacker has no good character, Brian Keisacker is not sincere. Brian Keisacker applies no effort to do the right thing and to follow the law he swore an oath to. Brian Keisacker lacks etiquette and also obviously lacks self control. What a complete waste of law school and a law degree. This guy Brian Keisacker is a dangerous menace to society!”

35 No Character
“To know what is right and wrong are the basics of living and coexisting in our modern and civilized society and country. To do otherwise shows and proves that Brian Keisacker is an unethical human being and lawyer. In comparison; even most criminals have some semblance of decency.”

“To be ignorant or lacking knowledge or awareness; uneducated or unsophisticated of the law cannot be claimed by attorney Brian Keisacker, who went to law school, Brian Keisacker was taught better and is a very shameful to behave contrary to these principles.”

“Why would Brian Keisacker, who is in a voluntary position on the Sarasota County General Contractors Licensing and Examining Board (currently the Chairman), violate citizen's rights and validate the law? One can only speculate what he might do when money is involved.”

SMUG Brian Keisacker

“Trust only honorable and trustworthy people. Attorney Brian Keisacker in my opinion is not someone I would ever trust and certainly would NEVER GIVE MONEY TO, since Brian Keisacker has exhibited wanton disregard for Brian Keisacker’s schooling, the oath Brian Keisacker took and Brian Keisacker is oppositional defiant.”

“Brian Keisacker serves illegally on the Sarasota County General Contractors Licensing and Examining Board and has been confronted with this conflict, yet Brian Keisacker obviously does not care about the law, a hypocrite.”

“Brian Keisacker in my opinion and direct experience is an immoral, unethical, no character, defiant, illegally and unqualified board member and Brian Keisacker has been instrumental in violating the constitutional rights of a United States citizen several times.”

“Attorney Brian Keisacker will have to answer in a court of law for his illegal behavior.”

“Brian Keisacker will have to explain one day why Brian Keisacker felt his illegal behavior was justified; the excuse that the county attorneys told him it was ok, won’t fly, that would be a childish and ridiculous reply, Brian Keisacker best think of another excuse, if any exist.”

“All actions have consequences and Brian Keisacker will need to try and remember his law school training, because he will need it. Immunity does not apply my boy, think again Brian Keisacker.”


Brian Keisacker is an extremely dangerous menace to society and our way of life in the United States and Florida. Brian Keisacker’s callous and obvious carefree attitude towards the U.S. Constitution, laws and the rights of citizens that Brian Keisacker purposefully ignores is a threat to our way of life. For Brian Keisacker to have studied law and the Constitution with regards to Due Process, procedures for maintaining the rights of others and then Brian Keisacker violates those rights speaks volumes of Brian Keisacker’s lack of moral character.

“It is quite fortuitous that Brian Keisacker studied law and took an oath only to be a law and a Constitutional violator.”


"Society is in extreme danger when people like Brian Keisacker hold public office for personal gain and
Brian Keisacker completely ignoring the law with an unjustified arrogance is a travesty for all."

Brian Keisacker is not someone I would trust with my money or to represent me in legal matters. The King James Version of the Bible shows in 1 Timothy 6:10 to be: For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Therefore, Brian Keisacker’s gain from being on the Sarasota County General Contractors Licensing and Examining Board in my opinion is for personal gain and as influence in his law career which is in direct violation of Sarasota Code 22-127(3), yet Brian Keisacker does not care.


“When the Wolf, in this case Brian Keisacker is at your neighbor’s door, soon the wolf will be after you. The obligation is to not only save your neighbor, but yourself as well. The duty we have is to save and protect your neighbor from the likes of Brian Keisacker. The damage that someone like Brian Keisacker can cause are insurmountable.”

Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution summary: All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution:
The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. Arguably one of the most consequential amendments to this day, the amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War. The amendment was bitterly contested, particularly by the states of the defeated Confederacy, which were forced to ratify it in order to regain representation in Congress. The amendment, particularly its first section, is one of the most litigated parts of the Constitution, forming the basis for landmark decisions such as Brown v. Board of Education (1954) regarding racial segregation, Roe v. Wade(1973) regarding abortion, Bush v. Gore(2000) regarding the 2000 presidential election, and Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) regarding same-sex marriage. The amendment limits the actions of all state and local officials, including those acting on behalf of such an official.

The amendment's first section includes several clauses: the
Citizenship Clause, Privileges or Immunities Clause, Due Process Clause, and Equal Protection Clause. The Citizenship Clause provides a broad definition of citizenship, nullifying the Supreme Court's decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), which had held that Americans descended from African slaves could not be citizens of the United States. Since the Slaughter-House Cases (1873), the Privileges or Immunities Clause has been interpreted to do very little.
The Due Process Clause prohibits state and local governments from depriving persons of life, liberty, or property without a fair procedure. The Supreme Court has ruled this clause makes most of the
Bill of Rights as applicable to the states as it is to the federal government, as well as to recognize substantive and procedural requirements that state laws must satisfy. The Equal Protection Clause requires each state to provide equal protection under the law to all people, including all non-citizens, within its jurisdiction. This clause has been the basis for many decisions rejecting irrational or unnecessary discrimination against people belonging to various groups.

"When dealing with Brian Keisacker and his unfair advantage of knowing the law, Brian Keisacker may likely use this ability to manipulate the law to his favor and for personal gain, this is extremely dangerous to our way of life. Brian Keisacker has no integrity.
Brian Keisacker must held accountable via all legal means including ethics complaints, Bar complaints and through the court system holding this smug and unjustified arrogant Brian Keisacker accountable for his deliberate actions."

"Brian Keisacker has exhibited behavior that is inconsistent with the values we cherish as citizens of the United States. Brian Keisacker in my opinion is someone that does not care about freedom, liberty and respect of fellow Americans."

"When this author lived in South Africa during apartheid, he saw many injustices, travesties and the like. How is it that life there during such a tumultuous time did not have the disdain for life that Brian Keisacker and Sarasota County has. How can the experiences in a third world country, having survived those dangers only to have Brian Keisacker and Sarasota County destroy life of hard honest work, only to have Brian Keisacker and his cohorts destroy life at this late age. Brian Keisacker is completely deplorable, Brian Keisacker is disgracefu. Brian Keisacker is reprehensible. Brian Keisacker is calamitous. Brian Keisacker is lamentable. Brian Keisacker is pernicious. Brian Keisacker is destructive. Brian Keisacker is malicious. Brian Keisacker is virulent. Brian Keisacker is mephitic. Brian Keisacker is toxic. Brian Keisacker is nefarious. Brian Keisacker is horrible. Brian Keisacker is heinous. Brian Keisacker is abhorrent. Brian Keisacker is repulsive. Brian Keisacker is detestable. Brian Keisacker is also iniquitous.

Every citizen of the United States of America and Sarasota Florida have rights. Brian Keisacker and his rag tag bunch of untrained board members on the Sarasota County General Contractors Licensing and Examining Board collectively decide on the record and video recorded to violate someone’s guaranteed constitutional rights which has been confirmed by a Judge. Well the door is wide open to hold each member individually and collectively accountable. We shall see.

"One should always strive for perfection and live honorably especially when no one is watching or because others are watching. Doing the right thing is inherent of people that choose the righteous path, we do not need to be reminded right and wrong. Brian Keisacker on the other hand has made conscious decisions to violate that laws, Constitution and the oath he took to become a lawyer, it is his Brian Keisacker's bad choices that makes him evil at heart. When confronted with right or wrong, most will see the error in their ways and correct their mindset and behavior that drives their actions, not Brian Keisacker, he has deliberately chosen the wrong path. Rather than correct his wrongdoing Brian Keisacker has defiantly decided to stay on the unethical and evil path."

Brian Keisacker, we all (believe it or not, even you Brian Keisacker) have constitutional rights, yet you are a wicked hypocrite that denies others of their constitutional rights, shame on you lawyer attorney Brian Keisacker.

King James Version:
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
Moral character or character is an evaluation of an individual's stable moral qualities. The concept of character can imply a variety of attributes including the existence or lack of virtues such as empathy, courage, fortitude, honesty, and loyalty, or of good behaviors or habits. Moral character primarily refers to the assemblage of qualities that distinguish one individual from another—although on a cultural level, the set of moral behaviors to which a social group adheres can be said to unite and define it culturally as distinct from others. Psychologist Lawrence Pervin defines moral character as "a disposition to express behavior in consistent patterns of functions across a range of situations". Similarly, the philosopher Marie I. George refers to moral character as the “sum of one’s moral habits and dispositions.” Aristotle has said, "we must take as a sign of states of character the pleasure or pain that ensues on acts."

Brian Keisacker - Most people are unfamiliar with the constitution, due process and the legal rights we all are entitled to. Now this lawyer Brian Keisacker was schooled in constitutional rights and, check this out; took this oath: “I do solemnly swear: I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Florida. Then why has attorney Brian Keisacker willingly, deliberately and consciously violated the United States Constitution? I get that the contractor is not liked and was targeted by Guy McCauley and the building department, but when Brian Keisacker violates the constitution, this makes him anti-American and a traitor of sorts. Shame on Brian Keisacker!

To be on the side of truth is what we will be judged on.

"Do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. Values in decent people don’t change, they adhere to principles of truth no matter what. Why stop and relocate the turtle crossing the road? Because it must be done. This not a choice, it is what your values are.
Brian Keisacker types might say, “it’s someone else’s problem” or “
that turtle does not affect me financially so screw that turtle”. Or, “I’m too busy.” “The decent people (unlike Brian Keisacker) would not just put the turtle down near the fence on the other side, only to cross back across the same road later, rather they find a lake and give it a safer place.”

"To make the world a better place each person must do what fate has handed them, helping the old lady who fell down, or the skinny and lost dog, no matter what one must do what is right, without thinking they have a choice."

"Prisons all over the world are filled with bad choices, people who could have and should have done the right thing. Choose right no matter what!"
Makiwara Guy.

When I first started hitting the Makiwara in Johannesburg South Africa as a young man, I wanted several things: to break the Makiwara, to get tougher fists, to express my anger. As the years have past, I realize that Makiwara training has give and take. The Makiwara has become a friend of sorts, we converse, it helps me in many ways and in a sense I respect it."
Makiwara Guy.

"Life is full of Makiwaras, how to you choose to hit yours?"
Makiwara Guy

"Every disbarred or disciplined lawyer had a choice to make, obviously they chose incorrectly."
Makiwara Guy

"Living in a tangent vs direct and head on has its advantages."
Makiwara Guy


The content of this website is protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which are beliefs based on personal experiences with Brian Keisacker as well as court orders issued by the Circuit Court. Sarasota County Ordinance 22-127(3) which Brian Keisacker has willingly and purposefully violated by serving on the Sarasota County General Contractors Licensing and Examining Board as a consumer representative, which states... "The citizen at large member shall be selected for appointment from Sarasota County resident applicants deriving no income from any source connected with the construction industry."
Brian Keisacker has clearly and is willfully violating the law, ethics and his credibility. He is a construction attorney and earns income from the construction industry, clearly a violation of the law and ethics!